Since I started my Etsy shop I've never made a giveaway,so it is my First Giveaway ever.
I love to make felted things,and I decided to give away to someone this lovely nunofelted scarf,it will come to you exactly in time for spring!
Giveaway starts today and I choose the happy winner on March 4th.I will use the random generator.So you have 2 weeks to participate! Don't miss it!
There is some rules to join it:
1.Add my shop AldysCreations to your favorites and tell me what product you most like.
2.Like my Facebook fan page.
3.Follow me on Twitter or my blog.
4.Share this Giveaway on your Facebook or Twitter.
5.Leave comment here with your contact information(e-mail address or ravelry name) that I can contact you if you win.
Happy Giveaway!
Here is the winner!
CONGRATS jaragabrielle!!!!
True Random Number Generator
Powered by RANDOM.ORG
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15 komentarų:
ohhhhhhhhhh so pretty!!!!
(ahandmadeprincess on etsy)
I favorited your shop. My fav item is this bag:
I love the large handmade diva handbag!!
I favorited your shop! :)
Jara Gabrielle
Liked you on facebook!
Jara Gabrielle
Following you on twitter!
Tweeted! :)!/accessintel/status/173325763305672704
I would love that one!!! My daughter loves pink!!
I blogged about this on my blog ( can't seem to link the post here .....ciao!!
I think my fave is this givaeaway scarf itself and this bag
I already follow your blog
I have liked your Facebook page and shared on mine.
Faved, hearted, tweeted, posted on my personal and shop FB pages, oh! And my fave in your shop is the purple felted house shoes I can feel their warmth right thru the picture. If I soul Las be so lucky, my email is
Thanks Again!
Maddy Poe
Design 89, An Etsy Online Shop
Hi Aldona,
Nice to hear from you:)
It is a ♥'ly scarf
I am already on your facebook and favored you on etsy.
I tweeted you,
I have pined your scared on pinterest as well and following you there too.
Here is my ravelry,
well now I'm following you on you blog and fb...where I will share this cute giveaway!
you have wonderful items for sale, although this make me dream....
I love this
and the scarf of course.
I hearted your shop already :) And I love the bags in your shop the most !
Nuostabus šalis :) Atėjau su mintimi, kad reikia pradėti sekti šį blogą, o dar ir tokį grožį pamačiau.
Iš darbų tai man labai labai patinka rankinukai. Nuostabiai pasiūti darbai. O jų audinys...
Deja, twitteryje ir etsy negalėsiu sekti, nes jais nesinaudoju. Facebooke prisidėjau prie mėgstamų puslapių, bet iš jo irgi mažai naudos - nesinaudoju aš juo (nedraugauju aš su tais socialiniais tinklais)
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