2016 m. rugsėjo 20 d., antradienis

Woolhome podcast episode 6- 3 new projects

My new three WIP's

1.Handspun handdyed BFL plain stockinette socks, wool top purchased a couple years ago at www.worldofwool.co.uk, spun on spindle from www.woodstory.etsy.com

2. School sweater for my son- out of Baby Wool 50 gr/ 220m ball Extra fine, shrink proof wool yarn, produced in Italy, I bought at local yarn shop, they website www.alvita.lt

3. Holiday socks 2016- I started to knit them on my holidays, yarn bought in London, this spring.shop LoopLondon.

Finished objects- just my last year holiday sock, which took super long to knit :-)

Reminder about my giveaway- don't miss these gorgeous prizes!

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1. Subscribe to my youtube channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG4E1iXr-C_ut-Mr7RVWuIQ

2. Join the Woolhome group http://www.ravelry.com/discuss/woolhome/3421537/1-25

3. Follow me on instagram @wool_home

4. Leave the comment in the group- what is your favorite project to knit.