Happy New Year to everyone!
It took a lot of time since my last post was sent to my blog. Lots of work before Christmas,so I neglected a bit my blog(shame on me).
This winter we played Secret Santa game in Etsy Lithuania team second time. I totally love this pre-Christmas time! Especially when you get and make for others handmade gifts.
This year I got a gift from Migle (SmilgeArt)
I was so excited when I opened the envelope, it was lovely oil painting in a brass colored frame,exact color of frame as I have painting in my home corridor! That painting work was gift to my husband from his school friend. And I decided to hang Migles painting on this wall.
It looks just perfect together! Now when I am walking around I enjoy this Secret Santa's gift,thank you Migle! I love it very much!
Take a look at some just amazing Migle's works she listed in her shop.
2012 m. sausio 4 d., trečiadienis
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