2012 m. vasario 20 d., pirmadienis

My first Giveaway!

Since I started my Etsy shop I've never made a giveaway,so it is my First Giveaway ever.

I love to make felted things,and I decided to give away to someone this lovely nunofelted scarf,it will come to you exactly in time for spring!

Giveaway starts today and I choose the happy winner on March 4th.I will use the random generator.So you have 2 weeks to participate! Don't miss it!

There is some rules to join it:

1.Add my shop AldysCreations to your favorites and tell me what product you most like.

2.Like my Facebook fan page.

3.Follow me on Twitter or my blog.

4.Share this Giveaway on your Facebook or Twitter.

5.Leave comment here with your contact information(e-mail address or ravelry name) that I can contact you if you win.

Happy Giveaway!

Here is the winner!
CONGRATS jaragabrielle!!!!

True Random Number Generator
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

2012 m. sausio 4 d., trečiadienis

Secret Santa game in Etsy Lithuania team

Happy New Year to everyone!

It took a lot of time since my last post was sent to my blog. Lots of work before Christmas,so I neglected a bit my blog(shame on me).

This winter we played Secret Santa game in Etsy Lithuania team second time. I totally love this pre-Christmas time! Especially when you get and make for others handmade gifts.
This year I got a gift from Migle (SmilgeArt)

I was so excited when I opened the envelope, it was lovely oil painting in a brass colored frame,exact color of frame as I have painting in my home corridor! That painting work was gift to my husband from his school friend. And I decided to hang Migles painting on this wall.
It looks just perfect together! Now when I am walking around I enjoy this Secret Santa's gift,thank you Migle! I love it very much!

Take a look at some just amazing Migle's works she listed in her shop.