2011 m. rugpjūčio 26 d., penktadienis

End of summer- time to go to forest!

Today I spent amazing day with my family!

Quess what we did? We went to the forest pick up mushrooms.All of us three love this fun thing so much! Walking in the forest and hunting all these mushrooms we know.

We spent in the forest today about 6 hours! But it was such a pleasure to breath fresh and nice smelling air and feel a bit melancholy that summer almost gone....

Yes,that is not fun part- when mushrooms start to grow it means that Autumn is very close and you are in some steps closer to long and cold winter.

I cook these mushrooms and froze them for winter- so I can say that I conservate my summer memories and happy moments:-)

We back home very tired but also very happy and full bucket of forest wealth!

Happy Autumn my dear friends!